In the quest for a whiter-than-snow ecological footprint, changing transport habits is of vital importance. With this in mind, the Cœur de Tarentaise commune has launched a call for projects to roll out a multimodal solution in the area. Called Snoway, it is the first application to encourage and reward sustainable travel in the mountains. By raising awareness among visitors, local authorities and local players, Snoway aims to bring about concrete change towards a more environmentally-friendly mountain environment…
Towards more responsible tourism in the mountains
The Snoway project, backed by Lyko and Transway, aims to provide the Cœur de Tarentaise commune with a new mobility service. It will take into account the accessibility challenges of the area and its unique environmental and tourist characteristics. Snoway is positioned as a Small Mobility as a Service (S-MaaS) solution, encouraging the use of green mobility and intelligent parking in mountainous regions. As part of the research and development phase, the project will explore, in particular, the integration of data from seasonal mobility operators and the implementation of a localized reward system aimed at supporting the rural and circular economy.
Snoway’s objective is to offer a booking and daily mobility management service within an S-MaaS application dedicated to tourists, seasonal workers, residents and professionals. With this in mind, the project includes action research to assess the effectiveness of the S-MaaS, its incentive system and gamification. “The less carbon you emit into the atmosphere, the more Snoway rewards you. This is the motto of this MaaS application…
A win-win concept
Snoway’s approach favors environmentally-friendly transport alternatives, thereby helping to improve air quality in the mountains. As users opt for environmentally-friendly travel, they accumulate “Snows”, the application’s digital currency. These can be exchanged for exclusive promotions from our partners. A win-win concept that benefits everyone… Firstly, for the user who, by adopting new habits, benefits from discounts in local shops while helping to preserve the mountains. Then there’s the retailer. They will benefit from additional income while attracting new customers and affirming their status as a committed player. What’s more, registration on the application is free, providing a second digital shop window to attract new customers. Finally, for the region… The Snoway app represents an innovation that sets it apart from other resorts, particularly in environmental terms.
A new digital medium
Snoway aims to offer a simple and intuitive mobility service to a wide range of users. These include tourists, seasonal workers, residents and professionals. This vision will be realised through the development of a mobile application available on iOS and Android platforms, as well as a responsive web solution. The aim of this application is to boost the local mobility plan by encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport.
Among its features will be an intermodal journey planner specially adapted to tourist and business needs. To optimise the travel experience, all regional and national mobility offers will be integrated into the application, giving travelers the opportunity to book and pay for all their transport needs from a single platform. Snoway is committed to providing a comprehensive multimodal offer, as well as personalized itineraries and combined pricing to best meet users’ needs. The app is due to be launched in 2024, but no official date has yet been announced.